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Declaration of Freedom, Equality and Prosperity


  1. Secularism: Complete separation of religion from the state and education. Omission of all religious and religiously-inspired notions and references from all laws. Freedom of religion and atheism.

    Freedom of speech:  Unconditional freedom of belief, expression, assembly, press, demonstration, strike. Unconditional freedom of organization and of formation of political parties.

    Freedom of all political prisoners: Abolition of the term “political crime”, abolition of the death penalty, banning of torture or any other punishment that violates the body and mind.

    Unconditional freedom in choice of clothing.

    Trial of all perpetrators of crimes by courts elected by people.


  1. Equality of women and men: Full and unconditional equality of rights of women and men in civil and individual rights. The immediate repealing of all laws and regulations that violate this principle. Abolition of Hejab (Islamic dress code for women). Abolition of gender apartheid.

    Legal equality: Equality of all residents irrespective of gender, race, religion, nationality, or citizenship.


  1. Minimum wage: Determination of the minimum annual rise in wage levels by collective bargaining at the national level by representatives of workers' organizations. Under the current situation, the minimum wage should be at least 1 million Tomans.

    Unemployment benefit: Adequate unemployment benefit, according to the last pay received, for every unemployed person over 16 who is ready for work. Payment of pension to all pensioners.

    Free and accessible health care, education at all levels, suitable housing for all. The cost of housing should not be more than 10% of the family’s or individual’s income.